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Monday, January 16, 2012

Advice 4 Singles, When a True Man/Woman Enters

Yes, there will always be new male or female stranger entering or leaving during your life cycle. If someone is interested you, he or she will already be attracted to your appearance. If he or she finds that unique taste in him or her, then he/she will take the next steps by setting up a date or some type of activity. He/she will show great energy to learn the processes and studies your MIND; to depart and separate to reach stronger grounds. They will find what attracted them to your inner soul, uniqueness, and the core to your beautiful mind. Therefore, mentally falling for your mind and being a aroused by it.

Furthermore, they shall gaze on your bio movements and physics; after he/she feels the texture and finds patterns underneath your deep layers. The sensational touch of the BODY, skin tone, analyzing the physique and beauty. For men, the women features are: ass size, breast, legs, thighs, including and feet. Meaning the ratio of her waist size compared to an hourglass shape. Also, other things like smile, eyes, length of hair, clear skin, and femininity play their parts. For women, the men features are: eyes, hands, lips, masculine, arms, clean cut, tight butt and penis size. This all outlines that he/she will seek the positives and be kind to appreciate the flaws on your outer layers.

Lastly, he/she will become a believer and in contact with your SPIRITUAL Realm. A bonding within that is so powerful, great and invisible like air we breathe. These are the grounds where each other minds, bodies, and spirits meet to become lights of divine persons of Love. LOVE Is Pure and unstoppable. He/she will be hooked like nicotine. In the bible it says, "A MAN SHALL LOVE HIS WIFE AS HE LOVES HIS OWN BODY.and the two shall become GOD Fearing." So, now you shall know if its Love Respect and Trust, or Lust, Disgust, and Disgrace.....

Leave us a comment and tell us what you think.... Voice your Opinion 

PS: A REAL MAN is a FANTASY.........
& A TRUE MAN is a REALITY.......

By: Le'Andre Hefner. Bell aka Hollywood/Mr. HeF
Love Specialist 

Start Over King, News Magazine
LNR Production Studio
Model Mayhem: Lnrproductionstudio

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